Call Log

2017 Call Report

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01-04-17 - Assist Station 53 for a AFA at the Springbrook Fire Dept. (standby)

01-10-17 - Quicktown Rd & Madisonville Rd for a tree blocking the road per PSP

01-12-17 - Assist Station 15 at 112 Municipal Lane for a possible electrical fire

01-19-17 - Assist Station 7 at 1262 Church St (Little Acres daycare) for pulled fire alarm by child

01-20-17 - Assist Station 7 at 1262 Church St (Little Acres daycare) for pulled fire alarm by child



02-03-17- Madisonville Rd & Haas Pond Rd, 2 car MVA

02-09-17 - 4370 Jubilee Rd for truck vs. tree

02-09-17 - Assist Station 15 at St Mary's Villa for a car fire next to structure

02-12-17 - Assist Station 29 at 204 Woodlawn Dr for smoke alarm activation

02-13-17 - Assist Station 15 at 104 Townhouse Place for Smoke detector activation in basement

02-26-17 - Avoca Airport for plabe with landing gear problems

02-28-17 - Assist Station 15 at Municipal, Elmhurst Sewer Plant for a fire alarm



03-01-17 - Assist Station 7 at 701 Church St, NPHS for AFA

03-13-17 - Assist Station 53 at 259 Laurel Rd for a working structure fire

03-13-17 - Assist Station 29, 1135 Archnald Mt Rd. for working structure fire

03-20-17 - 2140 Madisonville rd for a 4y/o trapped under snow

03-23-17 - Assist Station 15 at 108 Donny Dr for smoke coming from under the house



04-05-17 - 416 Rt 435 for a working garage fire

04-05-17 - Reservoir Rd & Aberdeen Rd for mva rollover

04-06-17 - 2125 Reservoir Rd for a flooded basement

04-07-17 - Assist Station 7 at 1262 Church St for pull alarm at Little Acres Daycare

04-08-17 - 1991 Aberdeen Rd for heavy smoke condition, possible brush fire

04-13-17 - RESERVOIR RD / RT 590 for a brush fire

04-16-17 - Assist Hamlin, Station 67 24 C PRADON RD for large brush fire

04-25-17 - Assist Station 53, 28 ELIAS RD for chimney fire

04-27-17 - Assist Station 15 119 GRIFFIN RD (ST GREGORYS ACADEMY) for a AFA



05-14-17 - 1780 Madisonville Rd, 1 car mva rollover

05-23-17 - Assist Station 94 at MONTAGE MT RD for large fire

05-31-17 - 33 SOLITUDE DR - for a dog stuck under a porch



06-03-17 - HILLSIDE DR / LITTLE LEAGUE RD for a ATV accident

06-04-17 - Assist Station 15 at 102 JOMAR DR for AFA

06-09-17 Assist Station 53, 5 PETROSKY DR Smoke alarm in basement

06-19-17 - 208 OAK DR WAYNE CNTY for possible structure fire

06-23-17 - Asisst Station 7 at CHURCH ST / SUNRISE BLVD for mva rollover



07-08-17 - SPRING HILL RD / MAPLE GROVE RD for tree down across road

07-15-17 - 690 Yedinak lane for smoke coming from the roof, possible structure fire.

07-15-17 - Sterline Hill Rd & Gardens Dr. for a disiel fuel spill

07-19-17 - Assist Station 15, 102 JOMAR DR for a AFA

07-29-17 - Assist Station 53 31 ZYCHAL LN for a AFA

07-29-17 - Assist Station 7 SB 380 MM 21 for a MVA (placed on standby afer dispatch)



08-14-17 - Assist Station 15 at St. Mary's Villa for AFA

08-22-17 - MAPLE GROVE RD / WHEELER RD STERLING TOWNSHIP for a fire in the forest

08-27-17 - Assist Station 7 EMS at 4300 Bear brook Rd

08-29-17 - Assist Wayne Cty 63 St. Moritz Dr for 2nd alarm structure fire

08-31-17 - 3330 Quicktown Rd for a AFA



09-06-17 - 3735 MADISONVILLE RD to test for possible CO

09-20-17 Assist Station 15, 516 ST MARYS VILLA RD for smoke alarm activation

09-27-17 - Assist Station 15, 119 GRIFFIN RD for a general fire alarm



10-01-17 - 100 MADISONVILLE RD for heavy smoke condition

10-01-17 - Assist Station 29 780 LAKE SPANGENBERG RD for structure fire

10-01-17 - Assist Station 29 780 LAKE SPANGENBERG RD for rekindle



10-03-17 - Assist Station 14, 375 DALEVILLE HWY for working structure fire

10-15-17 - Assist Station 29, 1174 MT COBB RD for a truck fire



11-02-17 - Assist Station 15, 117 DEVONSHIRE DR for smoke in residence

11-15-17 - AVOCA AIRPORT for a plane with landing gear problems

11-17-17 - 541 SPRING HILL RD for car vs deer

11-17 -17 4611 BIRD RD for a 2 car mva

11-20-17 - NASHOTKA RD for a tree across roadway

Asisst Station 53 Yotesville Rd for structure fire

11-26-17 - Assist Station 15 at 246 Blue Shutters Rd for flames coming from chimney area

11-27-17 - Assist Station 53 at Grassi's for a AFA

11-28-17 - Mitchell Rd for a hunter STUCK IN TREE, STAND FELL



12-10-17 - Avoca Airport, reported smoke in the cockpit

12-20-17 - 3660 ABERDEEN RD for a camper fire

12-23-17 - Assist Station 29, 51 Bunker Hill Rd for a 4 apartment building structure fire











Any missing calls please us to let us know.